Hi everybody, this is Carl, N7KUW. I'm an Extra class Ham, and also hold a commercial General Radiotelephone license and a GMRS license. I've been a Ham for over 25 years, and primarily work VHF and UHF in support of Seattle ACS and community events.
I'm also motorcycle mobile with a complete dual band radio mounted on my Goldwing and integrated into the bike's audio system. Locally I can be found on the Puget Sound Repeater Group (146.96) repeater, and/or the Columbia Repeater (444.550). My wife, Kathy, is also a Ham, N7RCT. She holds a Tech license, and was one of the first no-code Tech's licensed. She wrote an article about that, which was published in QST.
I'm actively involved with the Seattle EOC Auxillary Communications Service (www.seattleacs.com and www.seattle.gov/emergency/programs/acs/). I am also working
within my Seattle neighborhood, Broadview, to organize neighbors in both Block Watch and Emergency Preparedness, and to establish community emergency communications hubs (www.broadviewprepares.org).